Oh, all right, I’ll spill the beans.

So, yesterday’s post mentioned that I’ve been working on a few big projects. I can’t tell you about all of them, but I can tell you about two:

  1. I’ve compiled several of the stories I have published previously in international Jewish kids’ magazines into an anthology, selecting the ones that got the most fan mail, and which teachers have mentioned they’d like to use in their classrooms. I’m self-publishing it, IY”H. Target audience: readers age 10-16. We’re just waiting on the proofs – which I’ll have to proofread – before they will be up for sale.
  2. Also on the self-publishing front, many years ago, I had a number of stories starring two characters, Esti and Bluma, which ran in a local-to-L.A. Jewish magazine. Those stories got lots of fan mail here in L.A., so I started to shop around for a publisher. I had a couple near-misses, where a publisher said they were very interested, but then backed out pretty late in the game. After that, I added some more material, changed some things around to make it more like a middle-grade novel, as opposed to a short story collection, and tried yet another publisher. As they say in Yiddish: gornisht. My husband, though, really believed in the book, and my beta testers – kids from around the neighborhood – enjoyed it thoroughly. Doing Maker Camp over the summer really inspired me, as well as this post on Positive Writer, so after working on the anthology, I pulled out this older manuscript and started editing that one.

G-d willing, I’ll have news for you soon about these upcoming releases. I’m hoping to have them available online and at bookshops in L.A. Keep your eyes peeled for updates! (And prayers for the success of this project are welcome.)

4 thoughts on “Oh, all right, I’ll spill the beans.

  1. May Hashem grant you tremendous success in both of these projects! They seem very exciting.

    As far as self-publishing goes, I highly recommend Joanna Penn at thecreativepenn.com. Sign up for her email list and download her eBook, Author 2.0 Blueprint. She has over 700 articles and over 200 podcasts, covering basically every aspect of writing, self-publishing and marketing. She’s also started a course on it: see creativefreedomcourse.com. She’s also very approachable and helpful.

    I’m not taking her course right now, because I’m already immersed in Nick Stephenson’s course, Your First 10,000 Readers. I’m taking it slowly, because my big project right now is editing and finalizing Book 2 of the Peretz Family Adventures series.

    Anyway, I’ve already learned a lot from both Joanna and Nick this summer, and I still have a long way to go.

    Best of success,
    Nathaniel Wyckoff


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